Can You Eat Apples With Braces?

Can You Eat Apples With Braces?

There are a lot of things you have to give up when you get braces. Eating juicy fruits is one of the biggest sacrifices, since biting into an apple or a banana can be difficult. Even chewing granola or cereal becomes a challenge. So can you eat apples with braces? The answer is yes!

You just need to take some special precautions and follow a few tips to make eating apples with braces easier. If you’re wondering how to eat an apple with braces, it may seem scary at first—but we promise it’s not as hard as it sounds.

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Can You Eat Apples With Braces?

As we already mentioned, apples are one of the easiest foods to eat with braces. You can easily peel and slice them to make them easier to chew, so you can chomp away on apples while wearing your braces.

Braces can be tricky to clean, so it’s important to be careful of what you’re putting in your mouth while they’re on. This means avoiding sticky foods like gummy bears and taffy.

Dried fruit can get stuck in the wires, so it’s best to avoid dried fruits, like raisins and cranberries, while you have braces. Fresh fruit, on the other hand, should be easy to chew with braces.

You can eat any kind of apple, but it’s best to avoid sweet apples, like Gala and Honeycrisp, because they can be hard to chew easily.

What to Expect When Eating Apples With Braces

When you first start eating apples with braces, you might experience some discomfort. This is especially true if you’ve never worn braces before.

Braces press the teeth together, so it may take your mouth a bit of time to get used to the new feeling of having them on. Braces can also cause some pain and irritation in your gums, which can cause you to salivate a lot while you’ve got them on.

This is normal, though, and can be helped by rinsing with mouthwash and chewing sugar-free gum. Braces will make your teeth wider, but they won’t change the length.

So, when you first put them on, your teeth will be super close together. But over time, they’ll start to widen and become more comfortable.

Tips for Eating Apples With Braces

When you first start eating apples with braces, it can be helpful to try cutting them up into small pieces. Later, you can try just using a small spoon to scoop out the inside.

As you progress with your braces, you can try biting into apple whole. It may take some getting used to, but it’s entirely doable! You can also try caramelizing apples to make them even easier to eat. And if you’re really craving crunchy snacks, you can always munch on an apple chip.

What You Can and Can’t Eat With Braces

The nice thing about eating apples with braces is that they are easy to chew and don’t cause any issues. They are good for your teeth and gums, and they are easy to digest.

Braces can also help to keep your teeth clean while they are on, so they’re great for preventing tooth decay. However, there are some foods you should avoid while you’re wearing braces. Hard foods and chewy foods, like apples and gummy bears, can damage your braces.

They can also cause tooth decay, gum disease, and irritation. Braces can trap bacteria, so it’s important to be careful about which foods you eat with them.

What fruits can you eat with braces?

As we’ve already mentioned, apples are one of the best fruits to eat with braces. But there are a few others you can enjoy as well. Grapes are easy to chew, so they make a great choice while you’re wearing braces. You can also try watermelon, which is easy to chew and super refreshing.

You should avoid citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, since they’re too acidic. Other good choices include strawberries and blueberries. They’re easy to chew and good for your teeth and gums, too.

How long do braces usually take?

Braces are meant to be worn for a certain period of time, depending on the type of teeth you get them for. The average time it takes for braces to be removed is about two years.

Braces can vary in time from person to person depending on the number of teeth in the mouth, the alignment of these teeth, the shape of the teeth and if there is room to place the wires.

Can I bite down on food with braces?

While you want to be careful to avoid hard, chewy foods while you’re wearing braces, you do not want to stop biting down on food altogether.

Brushing and flossing can only do so much when it comes to cleaning your teeth. Biting down on food is what helps to dislodge and remove any leftover food particles. And while you can still bite down on apples with braces, it’s important to take special care.

Avoid biting down too hard, since it can damage your braces. Be careful to also avoid putting too much pressure on the back side of your teeth. It’s also important to avoid having bits of apple stuck in your teeth. This can trap bacteria in your mouth and cause cavities.


How do I eat an apple with braces?

When you have braces, it is important to avoid hard foods like apples and gummy bears since they can damage your braces. However, you can still enjoy apples by eating them in moderation. Avoid biting down too hard on apples since this may damage your braces and teeth. Instead, cut them up into small pieces or chew them up before swallowing.

How long does it take for braces to come off?

It takes about two years for most people to wear their braces long enough for them to be removed. The length of time that it takes to wear your teeth straight depends on the severity of the teeth alignment problem you have as well as how many teeth are involved in the process of getting rid of the crooked or misaligned teeth.

How do I care for my teeth with braces?

It’s important that you brush regularly with a soft toothbrush after every meal even if you have braces on since food particles can still get stuck in between your brackets. Always use toothpaste that contains fluoride because this helps strengthen your enamel and makes it more resistant to tooth decay caused by plaque buildup around your brackets and wire attachments. Flossing is also a very important part of taking care of your teeth with braces. You should also avoid chewing on hard foods, especially hard candies, since they can damage your teeth and brackets.

How long will it take to get rid of my braces?

It takes about two years for most people to wear their braces long enough for them to be removed. The length of time that it takes to wear your teeth straight depends on the severity of the teeth alignment problem you have as well as how many teeth are involved in the process of getting rid of the crooked or misaligned teeth.

What can I eat with braces?

When you have braces, it is important to avoid hard foods like apples and gummy bears since they can damage your braces. However, you can still enjoy apples by eating them in moderation. Avoid biting down too hard on apples since this may damage your braces and teeth. Instead, cut them up into small pieces or chew them up before swallowing.

How long does it take for my new set of braces to fit?

It usually takes about two weeks for a new set of braces to fit comfortably once you get them fitted by your orthodontist. However, if you need a major adjustment done, then it could take up to six months before they fit comfortably and properly around your mouth and bite.

How do I eat an apple with braces?

When you have braces, it is important to avoid hard foods like apples and gummy bears since they can damage your braces


As you can see, there are plenty of ways to enjoy apples with braces. If you’re the kind of person who likes to sneak in a few extra healthy snacks when no one is looking, apples can be a great choice. They are easy to peel, portable, and inexpensive, so you can keep them on hand at all times!

If you’re thinking about getting braces, in the end, there is no reason to worry. With the right diet and hygiene routine, you can easily get through the process while enjoying apples and other delicious snacks.

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