How to Remove Mold from Pressed Flowers

Photo by YuliaSlept

Pressed flowers are among the most difficult types of flowers to preserve. They need to be dried quickly and thoroughly, and the natural oils in their petals and stems are what makes them so resilient and elastic. A quick look at the source of your pressed flowers will tell you why this is the case.

After all, the flowers you buy at home and the florists’ flowers they sell are shipped fresh and pressed. The oils in their stems and petals act as a natural preservative, so they’re usually kept in water until they’re sold. Even after they’re dried and ready to be sold, they’ll need to be stored in a cool, dry place.

What causes mold in pressed flowers?

The oils that are naturally present in the stems and petals of different flowers are what make them perfect for pressing. When these oils are exposed to a moist environment, they turn into spores that are harmful for us and the environment. If you keep pressing the same type of flower again and again, you’re going to end up with mold on your flowers.

In most cases, this is just a matter of poor storage and management. Many of the flowers that are pressed are fresh and shipped in water. This is why they have a natural preservative, but if they’re not kept in a proper environment, they can’t maintain it any more.

How to remove mold from pressed flowers

When you have pressed flowers that have turned into a slimy substance due to mold, it’s important to remove it as soon as possible. Here are a few easy steps to follow. – Wash the flowers off with plain water and a soft sponge.

Make sure that you get all the mold off, because once it’s inside the flowers, it’s very difficult to remove. Let the flowers dry completely before storing them in an airtight container. This will help you prevent future mold growth.

Change your storage method too. Make sure that you keep the flowers in an airtight container and in a cool, dry place. If you have a pressing machine, use it to remove the mold from your flowers.

You can also try freezing the flowers to kill the bacteria that caused the mold. This will damage the flowers, but it will also kill the mold.

Add lemon juice and salt to remove mold

To remove mold from pressed flowers, you can try combining lemon juice and salt. Put a little of this mixture into each flower, and let it sit for an hour or two. Then, wash the flowers thoroughly with water.

This is one of the best ways to remove mold with ease. There are no harsh chemicals involved, and it’s safe to use on the flowers. If you have a pressing machine at home, you can also add this mixture to the water that you’re filling the machine with.

This way, you can get rid of the mold in your flowers easily.

Microwave the flowers to remove mold

If you’re dealing with a serious case of mold on your flowers, you can try microwaving them. Put the flowers in the microwave for two minutes and make sure that they don’t overheat. Once the flowers are microwaved, open the microwave and let the flowers cool for a few minutes.

Then, rinse them off with water and let them dry completely. This will help you get rid of the mold that’s on them.

Dry the flowers with warm air

If you want to get rid of mold on your pressed flowers as quickly as possible, you can dry them with a dryer. Make sure that you don’t use heat, though, because it can damage the flowers. Instead, use warm air. This is an easy way to remove the mold from your flowers because it doesn’t involve any chemicals.

You can use a dryer that you have at home, or you can use a dryer that’s available at a nearby flower shop. This will help you get rid of the mold from your flowers quickly.

How to Preserve Pressed Flowers

If you want to keep pressed flowers for longer, you need to make sure that they’re stored properly. Here are a few tips you can follow. Make sure that you keep the flowers in a cool, dry place.

Make sure that you change the water every day. The flowers need to be kept in a clean environment, so make sure that you change it every day. Make sure that you don’t leave the flowers in the water for a longer period of time.

Make sure that you don’t store the flowers in plastic packaging. While this keeps them from being damaged too much, it also blocks the flowers’ pores and prevents them from absorbing oxygen.


Can you reuse the plastic storage boxes that you use for pressed flowers?

This is a question that many people ask, because they think that their boxes can be used again and again. However, you shouldn’t reuse the cardboard boxes that you use to store pressed flowers. These boxes are usually made of plastic, and the remnants of the plastic can’t be fully removed by washing the cardboard. Doing this will only make the cardboard wet, which can damage the flowers. Instead, you should use a new box every time you store pressed flowers. This will help you get rid of all the remnants of the plastic that weren’t completely removed by washing the box. It will also help you prevent the flowers from being damaged too much.


All in all, getting mold on your pressed flowers is frustrating. However, it can be easily avoided. When you buy flowers at the florist, make sure that they’re not kept in water.

If they’re, they’ll turn into mold pretty soon. Make sure that you change the water every day, and make sure that you don’t store them in plastic boxes. They should be stored in an airtight container, and you should store them in an airtight container too.